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Great Organic Gardening Tips That Will Help You Out


Organic gardening is often very, very difficult to accomplish, however, with the right knowledge and skills anything is possible. With the accomplishment of growing an organic garden, the reward is well worth the time learning how. This article will provide you with the information you need to know about organic gardening.

To maximize your enjoyment out of your garden plant a variety of plants. The same old will get full and boring and you may out of boredom end up neglecting your garden. By planting a variety you will ensure that you remain interested and as a bonus it will be far prettier.

A key element to having a great garden is to fence it in. In many areas the wildlife will consume the fruits and vegetables as soon as they sprout, yielding little or no harvest. A good fence will not only keep out the wildlife, but it will keep out the neighborhood children from playing ball and pets from digging.

If you are getting very small fruit or flower yields, make sure to check the pH level of the soil. If the pH level is to high or too low, it can affect the amount of nutrients that your plants can absorb. Plants need different nutrients at different stages of their lives to be healthy, successful and to bear fruit.

Flush your plants with water if the rim of the pot or top of the soil has white salt deposits. Flush using twice the amount water as the size of the pot. Salt accumulates when using liquid fertilizer and can cause a PH imbalance. Once you have flushed the plant, do not water the plant again until the soil is dry.

When you are working in your garden, be sure to leave the praying mantis alone. These insects are skilled predators which take care of any number of harmful pests. In addition, these praying mantises do not harm your garden in any way, so let them go about their work protecting your garden from pests.

If you can’t get mulch for your soil, use wet newspapers. Damp newspapers around the base of your plants will help hold moisture in the ground and protect your plants’ root systems from heat and sunlight. Newspaper is biodegradable, so it will eventually degrade and actually add more nutrients to your soil.

Plan out where you will plant certain vegetables in your garden before planting them. You need to know how tall and how wide certain plants get, so that you can avoid overcrowding your plants. Knowing ahead of time what you can expect from your plants will also help you place them far enough apart so that you can walk between them easily if necessary.

Mini roses are very popular and are low maintenance. They come in many bright colors and offer a variety of interesting flower shapes. However, if you want to add a rose to your garden for the fragrance, then a mini-rose may not be a good choice because they produce little to no fragrance. If fragrance is your preference, try a larger, hybrid rose for the most intense fragrance.

If you have a young baby, consider wearing your child in a backpack while you garden. Being outdoors is a great stimulating experience for an infant, plus they get to spend more time with you. Organic gardening is safest for baby, as there is no risk of them encountering harsh or dangerous chemicals while you work.

Stated previously in this article, the results of growing an organic garden are well worth the time spent learning how to properly grow and care for one. Although, without the proper information it is a daunting task. Now that you have read this information you have the right knowledge to begin your organic gardening journey.

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