September 20, 2024

Queer Sville

The gardening that matters


Organic gardening is a subject that a lot of people feel is a hard thing to get started in. The thing about gardening, though, is that it’s about how much you know that gets you started and then helps you to become successful with this type of gardening. Look at this article and take what you can from it and then, apply it towards your gardening endeavors.

For gardeners in colder climates who want to get their plants started in the outdoor garden a little early, use plastic milk jugs for mini-greenhouses. Cut the bottom off of a milk jug and place over the plant, pushing the jug into the ground enough to keep it in place. Remove the milk jug cap during sunny, but still somewhat chilly days to allow for some air circulation and replace the cap at night to keep the warmth in. When the days are a bit warmer, remove the jug during the day, only replacing it at night, and slowly let your plant acclimate to the weather.

Use seedlings to run relay planting. Using seedlings can allow you to get a jump start on the growing season and improve yields to the harvest by extending time. If growing lettuce and a squash harvest is needed for summer, then after the lettuce has been harvested you can plant seedlings to get a jump start on another crop and a higher yield for the garden.

When you buy young bare-root trees, keep the root ball moist until your are ready to plant. If the roots dry out, the tree will weaken or die. You should plant the tree as soon as you bring it home. If you cannot, lay the tree on its side and cover the roots with moist peat moss, then cover the roots with a tarp.

Treat yourself while you garden with a little petroleum jelly. Before donning your gardening gloves, apply a bit of petroleum jelly or your favorite moisturizing cream to your hands. The gloves protect from the dirt, while your hand movement works the cream into your skin. You will finish your gardening with silky soft hands!

If you do not have a lot of square footage for gardening, try using trellises or posts in your garden. Allowing certain vegetables to grow up a trellis or post rather than spreading out along the ground will allow you to grow more per square foot. You can do this with tomatoes, peas, and climbing beans.

With the information in this article, you should feel a little more relieved when thinking about organic gardening. You should already be thinking of some strategies that you can develop, based upon the information in this article and what you already knew about gardening. Just be sure to look at other resources of information about organic gardening and then formulate your own strategies, based on all of your resources. It won’t be long until you are producing bountiful harvests for your own table, as well as for your family and friends.